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Jan. 27, 2022

Lauren Krause-Malave - "The Joys of a Blended Family & Don't Call Me "Sweetie", Ref!"

Lauren Krause-Malave -

This week’s conversation is with Lauren Krause-Malave who is blessed with a wonderfully tight knit multicultural family (African-American, German, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Japanese….! Oh and her dog comes from Harlem!) and she tells us how that finds its way into shared traditions, particularly cuisine! (Lauren throws in some Italian for good measure.) She shares with us their techniques for staying tight knit even during the pandemic.

Like many people, Lauren suffered the “pandemic postponement” of launching her new business but is excited to bring it to fruition this spring! So, if you need your home organized or a refreshed decor…she’s the one to call!

Lauren (and her husband) are heavily involved in “giving back”. One way they do this is through coaching young people’s sports teams, teaching teamwork and character along the way. And Lauren’s “all-girl’s” flag football team proudly “beats the boys”! And don’t ever call them “sweetie”!

Lauren advises us all to live in the moment and be a part of the conversation.

Organizations supported by Lauren that are mentioned in this podcast include:

  • PATH Academy  - An organization founded by Lauren’s husband, was developed to build character in young men through sports.
  • Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) – www.trentonsoupkitchen.org
    ASK's mission is to feed those who are hungry in the Trenton area and offer programs to encourage self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life. Serving Meals.
  • HomeFront - www.homefrontnj.org  HomeFront’s mission is to end homelessness in Central New Jersey and to help families break the cycle of poverty.  
  • Red Queen Foundation - www.redqueenfoundation.com  Helping homeless women and girls live with dignity.
  • EASEL Animal Rescue League - www.easelnj.org