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Aug. 3, 2024

Lance Liverman - Getting a Natural "High" From Giving Back

Lance Liverman - Getting a Natural

I feel so lucky that my office was right across the street from the home of today’s guest, because with his wave and a smile, we became acquainted and later, I am happy to say, friends.   

Lance Liverman is a true man of the community! He has worked passionately for the benefit of those in need.  In fact, his community service has been so impactful, the mayor of Princeton has named a day after him; February 25, 2024, is officially Lance Liverman Day!

Like most of my guests who are involved in community service, Lance got an early start helping others.  It was part of his family ethos to care for others and throughout his life, he has taken it to the next level. 

Lance tells us about his life and how it led him to serve the community of Princeton in many capacities, especially related to his passion for affordable housing.  His positive attitude, gratitude for what he has, and desire to share his bounty are evident in his story.  And as he says, giving back gives him a natural “high”! 

We had a great conversation and I hope you’ll listen in!