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Dec. 14, 2024

Jamie Kyte Sapoch - "A Conversation with a Nonprofit Junkie!"

Today’s guest, Jamie Kyte Sapoch, is a self-described nonprofit junkie”!  I was so grateful to have an opportunity to learn from her, as my nonprofit experience over the last couple of years has been a bit baffling to me!

 Jamie is truly an expert in the field of running a not for profit, from governance to capital campaigns, to just working well with teams of truly caring and smart people.  Her experience started in DC during the 80’s working with Common Cause on arms control and campaign finance reform.  So inspired by the work and the people, she was bitten by the non-profit bug.

 Listen in while we talk about her roots in New Jersey, her path from being an art major to the world of nonprofits; from working within organizations such as the Watershed Institute, to overseeing the distribution of major grants at the Bunbury group, to consulting as a board coach and strategist, to doing executive searches. Quite a journey and quite a career!

 I was particularly taken by her description of convincing donors to participate in a capital campaign.  Rather than looking at is as an imposition, she described it as “giving them a gift, by aligning what’s important to them with the opportunity to help it grow.” Genius!

 Jamie advises us to remember “it’s not about you”, to never stop learning and to always search for ways to make a difference.  That’s certainly the path she’s chosen.

 We had a great conversation!  Please join us!

A few of the organizations Jamie has been involved with include:

 The Watershed Institute:  www.thewatershed.org

  • “Keeping water clean, safe and healthy is the heart of our mission.”

      T.A.S.K. Trenton Area Soup Kitchen www.trentonsoupkitchen.org

 The Burke Foundation www.burkefoundation.org

  • The Burke Foundation invests in transformative early childhood initiative to build a cycle of opportunity across generations.

 The Chubby’s Project www.thechubbysproject.org

  • We are a hyperlocal nonprofit dedicated to food justice and building connections within the Hopewell community.