This week’s guest is Alan Maimon, Pulitzer Prize finalist author of Twilight in Hazard – An Appalachian Reckoning and an investigator for Centurion, the nation’s oldest innocence organization. Alan shares with us the difficulties of pursuing freedom for wrongly incarcerated people, most of whom are on death row, even in the best of times…much less during a pandemic!
As an investigative reporter for the Louisville Courier Journal, he also had a first-hand view of the environmental, identity and Oxycontin crises in the coal mining town of Hazard Kentucky, the subject of his book. He tells how when reporting from there he felt every bit the “foreign correspondent” he was when with the New York Times in Berlin, Germany. Get yourself a copy of the book and prepare for a “harrowing, angering, but most importantly true”* read!
(*Wiley Cash, New York Times bestselling author of A Land More Kind Than Home)
You can get more information on Centurion at:
You can find Alan’s book at: